Aviation training - airplane and helicopter

Aviation training

The training is intended for people who want to obtain qualifications as an ultralight airplane or helicopter pilot. We invite you to take advantage of our training offer and start your aviation adventure!


Ultralight airplane pilot training

During the training, the participant will have the opportunity to learn how to operate an airplane, conduct takeoffs and landings, and perform maneuvers in the air.

During the training, the participant is prepared for both theoretical and practical exams, which are required to obtain the UAP(L) license.

Ultralight airplane pilot training

The training is conducted by an experienced instructor who has the necessary qualifications. We provide full support and an individual approach to each training participant. After completing the training, the participant will have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Ultralight helicopter pilot training

Ultralight helicopter pilot training

We offer comprehensive training for ultralight helicopter pilots (training for Italian ultralight helicopter license), which allows for obtaining qualifications for independent flight operations. The training program includes both theoretical and practical components.

During the training, the participant is prepared for both theoretical and practical exams, which are required to obtain the UHP(L) license.

Want to learn more?

Contact us, we will gladly answer all your questions!

pilot, airplane and helicopter instructor

Sławomir Erenc

  • 602 499 887